Privacy Policy

Jyoti Stores is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors and customers. Our team members at Jyoti Stores are also customers of various Internet platforms, and we deeply understand and value the significance of online privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information Jyoti Stores gathers about you and your interactions with the site, as well as how we handle and utilize that information.

1. Types of Information collects

Jyoti Stores collects various types of information about you when you visit and use our site. The term "personal information," as used in this Privacy Policy, refers to data that specifically identifies you as an individual, such as your name, physical address, email address, telephone number, and credit card numbers.

Apart from personal information, we also gather non-personally identifiable information about your site visits and usage. For instance, our website utilizes cookies, which are small information files sent to your computer and stored on your hard drive. These cookies enhance your browsing experience and provide us with insights into your site usage, such as the pages you view. If you have registered with us, your computer will store an identifying cookie, allowing quicker access to the Jyoti Stores site by remembering your email address for future interactions. You can adjust your browser settings to decline cookies without explicit consent, but this might limit access to certain site features.

We may also collect your IP address when you access our site. An IP address, by itself, is not considered personal information. However, we may use IP addresses to track site visit frequencies and usage patterns of guests, including you. In some cases, we may combine IP addresses with personal information, treating them as such when combined.

Our site may utilize various technical methods to collect non-personal information, and we use this data for multiple purposes, including enhancing your site experience and analyzing traffic patterns. For instance, we may use technology-derived information to assess the frequency of visits to different parts of our site.

If you've registered with Jyoti Stores, you may receive HTML emails from us, which may contain data or routines to track email interactions, such as email openings, link clicks, or forwards to others.

As required by our investors, we may disclose aggregate statistics, like the number of site visitors or purchases. To gather such data, we employ an independent measurement and research company using cookies and embedded code to obtain statistical information about site visits, individual page views, visitor paths, screen settings, and other general information. This information, combined with data from other cookies, helps Jyoti Stores improve its services to users.

2. How we use Personal Information

Except as stated below, Jyoti Stores will not sell, rent, license, or transfer your personal information to any third party. We may share your personal information with third parties who assist us in providing services to you, such as fulfilling orders placed through the site. This may include shippers, warehouse operators, customer service providers, credit card issuers, or other parties involved in order fulfilment or responding to your inquiries.

Additionally, we may utilize your personal information to send you promotional materials about the goods and services we offer. If you've made a purchase from our store, we may occasionally update you on our latest products, news, and special offers via email, postal mail, or telephone. You will have the opportunity to receive such communications from us and selected third parties when you become a member of Jyoti Stores. You may choose to opt out of receiving these communications, as described below.

We may also anonymize your personal information, making it non-personally identifiable. This process may involve removing specific details, such as age or gender, or combining elements of your personal information with non-personal data from other site users. The use of depersonalized or aggregated information is not limited by any restrictions.

Under certain circumstances, we may be obligated to disclose or share your personal information to comply with legal obligations, enforce our terms of business, or protect the rights, property, or safety of Jyoti Stores, our customers, or others. This may include sharing information with other companies and organizations to prevent fraud or reduce credit risks.

3. Communication & Marketing

If you have made a purchase from Jyoti Stores, we may periodically inform you about our latest products, news, and special offers through email, postal mail, or telephone. As a member of Jyoti Stores, you will also have the chance to receive such updates from us and chosen third parties. However, Jyoti Stores members have the option to opt out of receiving marketing communications from us and/or selected third parties if they wish.

4. Physical Transfers of Personal Information

The information that we collect from you may be transferred to and stored at a destination outside the region in which you live. Personal information may also be processed by staff operating outside the area where you are located, who work for Jyoti Stores or one of our suppliers. This processing may, for example, be necessary to fulfill your order, process your payment details, or provide support services.

5. Other Disclosures of Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information to any of our group of companies for the purposes of processing your order or providing any other service you have requested. Consequently, besides the disclosures described in Section II, we may also reveal your personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • If Jyoti Stores sells or acquires any business or assets.

  • If Jyoti Stores is merged, combined, or consolidated with another business, or if its equity is sold, or substantially all of Jyoti Stores' assets are acquired by a third party. In such cases, the personal data we hold about our customers may be transferred to the acquiring party.

6. Third party sites

Jyoti Stores' website may include links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers, and other third parties. If you choose to follow a link to any of these websites, please be aware that they might have their own privacy policies, and we cannot take responsibility or liability for their practices. We advise you to review these policies before submitting any personal data to these websites.

7. Checking your Details; Opting Out

If you wish to verify the details you have submitted to Jyoti Stores, you may do so by contacting us via the e-mail address or address provided below. For security purposes, we may ask for proof of identity before disclosing any information. This proof of identity will typically consist of the e-mail address and password you used during registration. It's crucial to safeguard this information, as you will be accountable for any actions taken in response to requests made using your e-mail and password. We strongly advise against using the browser's password memory function, as it could potentially allow others using your device to access your personal data.

Once your identity has been verified, you will have the ability to access and update the contact information you provided during registration or make changes to your marketing preferences or other choices made during the registration process or while participating in site services. You can also opt-out of certain e-mail communications by clicking on unsubscribe links in those e-mails.

Please note that even if you choose to terminate your registration with the site, we may retain your personal information for legal or other legitimate reasons. The handling of such retained personal information will always be governed by this Privacy Policy.

8. Disclaimer

The security and confidentiality of your information is of utmost importance to Jyoti Stores. We have put in place technical, administrative, and physical security measures to safeguard personal information from unauthorized access and misuse. Periodically, we conduct reviews of our security procedures. However, it is essential to acknowledge that no security measures are entirely flawless or impenetrable. While we make every effort to protect your data, the transmission of information via the Internet is not entirely secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of data transmitted to our site. Any transmission is done at your own risk. Once we receive your information, we will employ strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorized access.

9. Amendments

Jyoti Stores reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. In the event that substantial changes are made to the way we collect, use, and/or share your personal information, we will notify you of these changes by sending an email to the last email address you provided us with and/or by prominently posting a notice of such amendments on the site.